
Thursday, May 26, 2016

How To Help Loved Ones Adjust To Retirement

American Investment Planners LLC
500 North Broadway, Suite 260, Jericho, NY 11753
(516) 932-5130 / (866) 932-5130

Retirement Planning | Retirement
No matter how old we get and how many life experiences we go through, change is never really "easy." That said, it's helpful for adult children and other family members who have loved ones about to enter retirement to start discussing it with them and get them used to the idea. But talking about retirement isn't the only thing that should be done to help our friends and family start to feel more comfortable about their golden years - here are four other things you can do:

Work on their budget. Seeing how income will change can be overwhelming for soon-to-be retirees, so work on their new budget with them and talk things out - it may just help them become more comfortable with this particular change. 

Be encouraging. If your loved one will be moving into a retirement community or leaving their home and downsizing into something more affordable, be encouraging about the move and let them know that everything is going to work out just fine - it's always hard for people to leave the home they know and love!

Keep them busy. One of the biggest things that retirees have to get used to is having a lot of spare time on their hands, so make them a list of things that can be done to stay busy - for example, volunteering for their favorite charity, exercising or taking a class to learn something new. 

Plan to visit often. Especially if you know someone who has moved into a new home or retirement community, set up a schedule with them for when you can visit. It's not unusual for new retirees to feel a sense of loneliness during their first few weeks or months of their new life, so it's always helpful for them to see a familiar face.

Although most people can't wait until the day when they can finally stop working, in the back of their minds, they're probably a bit uneasy about how their life is going to change - but that's what you as their loved one is there for! A few of words of encouragement and help getting situated can truly go a long way.

Aside from what you can do to help your family and friends with retirement, the team here at American Investment Planners LLC is also available to help where financial planning is concerned! If you or someone you know has questions about their financial state and how things are going to change during retirement, contact us at (516) 932-5130 or email to set up an appointment with one of our advisors.

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