
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How Can American Investment Planners LLC Help You With Estate Planning?

American Investment Planners LLC
500 North Broadway, Suite 260, Jericho, NY 11753
(516) 932-5130 / (866) 932-5130

Estate Planning on Long Island

As one of the nation's most respected independent financial planning firms, the professionals here at American Investment Planners LLC know exactly what it takes to ensure that all clients have a successful financial future - especially when it comes to estate planning. And considering that we believe estate planning is one of the most important aspects of financial planning, it seems only right that our experts place much of their focus on this topic on a daily basis.

So how do we help?

When you partner with us to take care of all estate planning needs, we'll carry you through a multi-step process that starts with you choosing your beneficiaries, explaining your needs and determining your goals and objectives. Then, we'll do the rest! Here is a brief breakdown of how it all works:
  1. First, a member of our team will meet with you to discuss your current financial situation, your current family situation and your goals for the future.
  2. Second, we'll gather the necessary personal and financial information that we are still without following the first conversation. For example, we will need to learn what assets and liabilities you have, as well as gain knowledge about items such as your current financial plan.
  3. The third step is all on us - the planning. Taking all of the facts into account, we'll draft a plan that ensures you and your family are well taken care of for generations to come. At this point, we'll meet with Life Insurance Specialists and Accountants to review the data we've gathered. Note: While we're busy at work, we encourage you to meet with your attorney and create a will and/or trust. 
  4. Once a plan is created, we'll meet with you again to discuss all of the details needed to implement it properly. Then, upon agreement, we'll begin to monitor your plan and make any adjustments as needed down the road.
Although estate planning may seem rather complex, you can rest assured knowing that it will be a seamless process when you work with American Investment Planners LLC. Our team has years of experience with clients around the country, making us 110% capable of helping you next. 

For more information about our financial planning services and how you can get started on your estate plan with us, please visit our website or call (516) 932-5130.

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